What Areas Do You Want To Improve On?


Improve your Leadership style! There is a sizeable difference between those that can manage a team and those that can lead a team. Learn how to truly lead your team with Craig’s effective leadership skills and tips.

Leadership Lead Your Team Today


Make the positive difference in your life! Develop your personal skills and inspire a positive difference in yourself. These dependable pointers by Craig can direct your life.

Positivity Develop Yourself Now

Communication Skills

The Art of Communication is at the heart of inspirational leadership. Craig shares a selection of simple and effective, research backed guidance on how to improve your communication skills.

Communication Skills Start To Inspire

Delivering for happiness. Delivering for success.

Inspire a Positive Difference!

When you evoke the positivity to succeed within your team, you will quickly uncover the results. Creating a happy, successful and positive workforce easily encourages teamwork. Increase in the efficiency, confidence and productivity using incredibly simple techniques. Explore Craig’s genuine advice, guidance and tooltips to inspire a positive difference to your workforce.

Awaken The Leader Keynote Speeches

Craig’s work with Lincolnshire Rural Housing Association has been exhilarating with the right mix of humour to capture our teams’ attention, provoke thought and facilitate debate. Enjoyable training is effective training.

John Howes, Chief Executive – Lincolnshire Rural Housing Association

Craig’s personality and appropriate use of humour and life experiences added immensely to the depth knowledge of the subject matter combined with his unique approach ensuring there would be no ‘death by …

Gary Jordan – Education & Training Lead – NAViGO CIC Health & Social Care

I have worked with Craig over the past nine years under various guises. He has inspired many of our staff conferences, delivered innovative corporate training to the whole of the company and …

Bridget Lloyd, Assistant Chief Executive – Boston Mayflower Ltd

Craig is undoubtedly very knowledgeable in many areas of management training and demonstrates great understanding in the application of taught theories. He conceptualises models with a unique and exceptional approach, recalling witty …

Jason Andrews – General Manager, Martin Manufacturing (UK) Ltd