A cookie is a snippet of text that is sent from a website’s servers and stored on a web browser. The cookies used on this website are:

Google Analytics – This allows us to look at really useful data about the visitors we have had to our website.

Cookie details:

__utma determines unique visitors
__utmb determines page views
__utmc determines session status
__utmz determines the referral used by the visitor to reach our site
__utmv custom cookies not usually in use
__utmx custom cookies not usually in use

To read more about Google’s cookies visit https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

YouTube/Vimeo – If our website contains videos then some cookies may be used for tracking views etc. These cookies are implemented if you press play though.

WordPress – If we have comments enabled or allow the public to contribute in other ways via default WordPress functionality we will also use some cookies. These are required for the website to function properly.

Cookie details:

wordpress_[hash] cookie to store your authentication details
wordpress_logged_in_[hash] cookie, which indicates when you’re logged in, and who you are
Wordpress also sets a few wp-settings-{time}-[UID] cookies

To read more about WordPress’ cookies visit http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Cookies

Facebook – We used Facebook to work out useful information about our users.

Facebook uses the cookie information for the following things:

  • To enable certain features
  • Provide you with a more personalized experience
  • Protect the security of your account, the accounts of others and Facebook
  • Improve, deliver and understand the ads you see on and off Facebook
  • Research, understand the use of and improve our and partners’ products and services

To read more about Facebook policy head to https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/cookies

Managing Cookies
For information on how to manage your cookie settings we recommend you use a search engine and enter something like “how to change cookie settings in [browser/device name here]”.